im doing good today
im happy
and happy
and not tired
blank slate
skeletrix island
Joined on 2/27/25
Posted by user532188139 - 6 hours ago
im doing good today
im happy
and happy
and not tired
Posted by user532188139 - 18 hours ago
im sad and bored but
today was a pretty good day
there havent been a lot of good days in the past few months
but the number of good days has been increasing a lot in the lastz couple of weeks wich is awesome
things r slowly getting better and thats very cool imo
i was at party it was very fun
everybody here lsietns too german rap music and pop music
and just boring stupid trash
im pretty sure i live in one of the most broing towns on planet earth
everything here is so dull and grey and broin gand sad
everybpody here is so boring there arent any cool people here
like everybody is just the same person
im also kinda broing i guess
theres nothing wromng with being boring
i like being bored sometimes
i like broing people
i mean not everybody here is boring theres a few none broing people
that i used too be freinds with
but we stopped being freinds
im broing i guess?
idk if anything im saying here even makes any sense
im not like saying im the only none broing person here
im broing
everyone here iks broing
including me
everything here is boring actully
the buildings the cars
the cars
the buildings
the car buildings
not everything here is boring
theres a lot of not broing struff here
actully a lot a lot of not boring stuff
we have a massive church
isnt that cool
i like that church
its my seacond favourete church that ive ever been too
my first is in salzburg that chruch was rlly cool
salzburg is a church in austria
atleast thats the coolest church i can think of rn
theres prolly better ones that ive been too
i just dont remember them rn
salzburg is the complete opisite of boring
i went there last summer it was soo fun
everything there is so colorfull and theres so many ppl and lil stores where u can waste ur money on stupid stuff
there was this rlly cool art gallery that had cool art there was this one painting
and it was like stuff painted overf like
a real image of like
like a family photo ykwim?
it was cool tho
i realy like the background
liket he lil city
where the buildings have like colorfull outlines
thats fun
i like that
my song got like 28 listens on here
thats fun
and cool
my account says im 24
wich im actully not lol
i just set it too some random year because yes
im tired
but less sad then i was when i started writing this lil thingy
imma use this feature as like a journal
imma write i long post like this every couple of days i think
where i just ramble on about random topics
man i feel bad for calling everfybody that i know boring
that was rude
im sorry
yall aint boring
this town is a bit broing but its actully kinda cool if u think about it
we have a lot of
a very big and cool church
actully no my towns chruch is my favourete church that ivbe been too
i changed my mind about that
i like changing my mind
its fun
im bored
and tired
but not sad anymore
thats cool
i broke the thingy
artt is cool
drawing is cool
ive been drawing a lot of stuff recently
i like irl drawing ykwim
not like digital drawings
but like with pens and papersssss
i saw a video
of a guy painting a portrait of someone
and at first he made it like "ugly" andf tsuff and thjen he did smt and then oooh wow not all the sudden its cool looking realistic pencil stuff crazy (not clickbait)
and i found it looked better when he did the "ugly" stuff yk
so ive been trying too do that
just slaming my pencil into a peace of paper and scribelling shapes that barely resembly anything
ive been trying too do smt simaler with my digital drawings but it hasnt been succeeding thatr much
it just ponly rlly works irl
the thing that sucks about this way of drawing stuff is that it breaks a lot of pencils and is just very difficult
cuz if u do it too much its gonna look back or like rip the paper wich is NOT GOOD
but when u do it right it looks rlly cool
just sit down
grab a peace of paper
and a rlly cheap pencil
and just slam it into the paper
and scrible random shapes that somewhat resemble objects or people or animals
then u add very detailed shading
and then ur basicly done
i forgot too mention the detailed shading part earliuer
im duumb+
and stupi also
pepsi is better then coca cola
thats my opinion
and everybody who thinks otherwise is stupid
sorry if i write anything wierd
im just
very tired
and bored
and tired
and bored
did i mention the fact that im tired and bored?
woooohooo wooo